A Glance at Depression


Depression is a mental state characterized by excessive sadness, with mood disorders that include both physical and psychological symptoms, it is 4th most disabling disease in the world .

Depression According to Gender:

In Women:

1 ) Prevalence is twice more than men.

2 ) Women during child bearing years are more susceptible to depression.

3 ) Depressive symptoms are usually more severe.

4) Have greater rate of anxiety disorders, bulimia, and suicide attempts.

5) Known for premenstrual and postpartum depression.

6) Equally irritable as men.

In Men:

1) Men have more major depressive episodes (MDEs).

2) Alcohol and substance disorders are more common in men.

3) Equally irritable as women.

Depression According to Age

In Children:

1) Symptoms are similar to adults.

2) May result from physical or verbal abuse, dissatisfaction with self-image, or social incompatibility which may lead to identity confusions.

In Elderly:

1) Is usually associated with cardiovascular diseases.

2) Is hard to diagnose, since the both the symptoms of aging, cardiovascular disease and depression are similar to a certain extent.

3) May result due to financial hardships, loss of loved ones, decreased independence associated with physical limitations.

Risk Factors:

1) Environmental Factors Causing Depression:

Difficult financial living conditions, polluted environments, wars and natural disasters all on some way play a role in depression.

2) Depression in patients with co-morbid medical conditions (chronic medical conditions with poor prognosis).

Pathological conditions significantly associated with depression:

1) Post-Stroke Depression (PSD)

Occurs in 1/3 of patients within 9 months of having a stroke due to both physical and cognitive disabilities.

2) Cancer

About 24% of cancer patients suffer from depression either due to the severity of illness, disfigurement, or effects of treatment.

Consequences of Depression (Complications):

1) Physical Consequences

Depression may lead to the development health hazardous substance abuses and addictions (alcohol, cigarette smoking, prescription and illegal drugs) and also a decrease in health precaution (insomnia, unhealthy diet, lack of exercise) which leads to a generally less healthy lifestyle .

e.g. Alcoholic hypertrophied heart caused by chronic alcoholism and Lung cancer caused by excessive smoking.


2) Psychological and Personal Consequences

Depression leads to hyper-irritability , anxiety attacks  and anhedonia which may initiate personal conflict and may negatively affect ones occupational and professional status.

3) Suicide

Is the most serious consequence of depression, it is the main reason why depression should never be underestimated.


Depression is a condition proven for it’s harmful effects both physically and psychologically, if you express any depressive symptoms, try engaging in healthy habits such as  exercising, getting more sleep, eating adequate daily meals, also engage in enjoyable and meaningful activities and if all fail to reduce symptoms then consult a near by psychiatrist or psychologist for advice.



Friedman, Edward, and Ian Anderson. Handbook Of Depression. 2nd ed. Burlington: Elsevier Science, 2014.

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